0~12 Months Baby Feeding?

Babies under 6 months

The baby's first mouthful of food should be breast milk, so it is advisable to start breastfeeding as soon as possible after giving birth, and prepare for breastfeeding from the beginning of pregnancy.
Insist on exclusive breastfeeding within 6 months of age. Breast milk provides all the fluids, energy and nutrients your baby needs up to 6 months of age. But insisting on breastfeeding requires active support from the family.

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  • Adaptive feeding

Breastfeeding should conform to the maturation and growth and development of the baby's gastrointestinal tract, from on-demand feeding to regular feeding. Baby's hunger is the basis of on-demand feeding. When hunger causes crying, it should be fed in time. Generally, 6-8 times or more can be fed a day. Do not force the frequency and time of feeding, especially for infants before 3 months of age. Babies basically establish their own eating patterns 2-4 weeks after birth, and parents should clearly perceive the time information of their eating patterns. As the age increases, the feeding interval will be extended accordingly, the number of feedings will decrease, and a good eating habit of regular feeding will gradually be formed. If the crying of the baby is obviously not in line with the usual eating pattern, the non-starvation cause should be ruled out first and seek medical attention if necessary.

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  • Feeding concept

Illness or improper feeding, nutritional deficiencies can slow or stall your baby's growth. Babies grow according to their own laws, too fast or too slow growth is not conducive to children's long-term health. There are individual differences in the growth of babies, and there are also periodic fluctuations, so there is no need to compare growth indicators with each other. Breastfed infants may gain less weight than formula-fed infants, and as long as they are on a normal growth curve trajectory, they are healthy. We should regularly monitor physical indicators to maintain healthy growth.

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  • Feeding instructions
Human milk is low in vitamin D, so vitamin D supplementation begins a few days after birth, at 400 IU per day.

6 month old baby

For most babies, starting from about 6 months of age, the nutrition provided by milk can no longer fully meet their needs. Healthy babies should start adding complementary foods when they reach 6 months of age.
  • The basis for adding complementary foods to babies
Can better control the tongue to move food in the mouth, start the chewing movement of the mouth, the digestive system is more mature, the kidney function is more mature, the neuromuscular development is better, the head can be stably raised when sitting, and the head can be turned freely. When the food is in the bowl, the head leans forward, drools but can swallow smoothly, even opens the mouth, can take the food independently, is interested in what other people eat, likes to put some things in the mouth, the weight reaches 6.5-7.0 kilogram.
  • Feeding advice

Puree food, can be spoon fed, cereals choose iron-fortified rice flour, mix with water or milk (can be scooped up with a small spoon and will not drip quickly), start small (1 spoon) try, gradually increase to 1 meal a day, start Try 1-2 tablespoons of pureed vegetables (melons, roots and pods), and then 1-2 tablespoons of pureed fruit, twice a day. After successfully adding complementary foods, you can try adding pureed meat instead of eggs.

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  • Feeding instructions
Babies generally need to try a new food 8 to 10 times, or even more times, about 2 to 3 days until the baby gets used to the taste and has no discomfort before adding another.
Don't put the spoon directly into the baby's mouth, so that the baby will feel suffocated, resulting in an unpleasant eating experience, you can put the spoon on one side of the mouth and let it suck.
Milk is still an important source of nutrition for infants and young children. Breastfeeding should be continued or the total milk volume of infants should be maintained at 800-1000 ml/day.

7-9 month old baby

By 7 months of age, complementary feeding for most infants can be a single meal followed by transition to a pattern of complementary feeding and breastfeeding. At this stage, your baby will use the thumb and index finger to hold objects (a pincer grip), transfer objects from one hand to the other, and put everything into his mouth accurately to chew. Complementary feeding 2-3 times a day. Reasonably arrange the baby's work and rest time, including sleep, eating and activity time, and try to arrange complementary feeding at the same or similar time as the family's eating time, so that the baby can eat together with the family in the future.
  • Feeding advice

Powdered food, your baby can sit on a high chair and eat with an adult, let your baby eat by himself with "strip" or "finger" food, learn to chew and practice hand skills, cereals can be iron-fortified rice flour, For thick porridge or noodles, you can add a little miscellaneous grains to the baby, 25-50 grams of chopped vegetables and 20-30 grams of fruits every day, start to add animal foods such as meat puree, liver puree, animal blood, and egg yolks, every day from 1 /4 gradually increased to 1, breastfeeding 4 to 5 times a day, the total milk volume is about 800 ml/day.

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  • Feeding instructions
When adding new food, you should pay special attention to whether there is any food allergy. If you experience adverse reactions such as vomiting, diarrhea, eczema, etc. within 1-2 days of trying a new food, you need to stop adding it in time, and then start trying from a small amount after the symptoms disappear. If the same adverse reaction still occurs, you should consult your doctor as soon as possible. If there is an adverse reaction that cannot be determined to be related to the newly added food, it cannot simply be assumed that the baby is not used to the food and is not added.
When the baby is sick, the introduction of new food should also be suspended, and the food that has been adapted can continue to be fed.

10-12 month old baby

Babies aged 10-12 months have tried and adapted to various types of food. At this stage, they should continue to expand the types of food for babies, especially different types of vegetables and fruits, to increase the baby's experience of different food tastes and textures, and to reduce future picky eaters, Possibility of partial eclipse. Focus on increasing the thickness and roughness of the food, and focus on developing your baby's interest in food and eating. Make reasonable arrangements for your baby's sleep, feeding and activity times. Breastfeeding schedules are arranged at the same time or at the same time as family meals, and gradually reach three meals a day at the same time with family members, and one snack between breakfast and lunch, between lunch and dinner, and before going to bed.
  • Feeding advice
The texture of complementary food should be thicker and thicker than the previous stage, with certain small particles, and gradually transition to crushed, diced, and finger-shaped food to help the baby practice chewing and promote the eruption of teeth. Cereals can be soft rice or pasta, About 50-75 grams per day, 50-100 grams of minced vegetables, 50 grams of fruit, add animal liver, animal blood, fish and shrimp, chicken and duck meat, red meat (pork, beef, mutton, etc.) to ensure sufficient intake Amount of animal food, 25-50 grams per day, 1 egg per day, breastfeeding about 2-3 times a day, total milk volume 600-800 ml/day,
  • Feeding instructions

In particular, it is recommended to prepare some "finger food" for the baby that is easy to grasp and pinch, and encourage the baby to try self-feeding, such as banana cubes, boiled potato cubes and carrot cubes, steamed bread, sliced ​​bread, sliced ​​fruits and vegetables, and shredded Generally, 10-month-olds try softer finger foods, and 12-months-olds try harder lumpy foods.

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Babies at this stage can learn to feed themselves with a spoon and drink from a cup.
When adding new complementary foods, you should still follow the principle of adding complementary foods, step by step, and pay close attention to whether there are food allergies.
Babies under the age of 1 should not be given milk.
The chewing function of the baby is not developed enough, and the food should be processed and cooked separately for the baby every day. Fried, too much fat, and hard food should be used less, and the volume of the food should not be too large.

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