Baby Quitting Breastfeeding?

In summer, the temperature is relatively high, which will aggravate the baby's loss of appetite due to weaning. The baby's gastrointestinal digestive ability is poor in hot weather, and a little carelessness can easily cause digestive tract diseases; in winter, the weather is too cold, and the baby will sleep disturbed at night due to weaning. Sick with a cold.

In spring and autumn, the climate is comfortable and pleasant, the baby sweats less, has a good appetite, and is easy to adapt to the change of food. In addition, autumn is a harvest season, and various fruits and vegetables are listed in large quantities, which can fully meet the nutritional needs of babies after weaning, so autumn is the best weaning season.

1. Let the baby get used to the bottle in advance

Before weaning the baby, it is recommended to let the baby get used to the bottle in advance, try to put breast milk into the bottle for the baby to eat, gradually reduce the number of breastfeeding and increase the number of bottle feeding. Be careful not to directly transition from breast milk to formula, many babies cannot accept such a change. Before feeding, you can rinse the pacifier with warm water, so that the pacifier will be warm, close to the touch of the mother's nipple, in addition, you can smear some breast milk on the pacifier, the baby will be easier to accept. It should also be noted that breast milk will be cold after being expressed, and it is recommended to heat it to about 40°C before feeding it to the baby.

2. Gradually reduce the frequency of breastfeeding

Gradually reduce the amount of breastfeeding while increasing the amount of formula your baby drinks. On the one hand, it can reduce the baby's urge to drink breast milk, and on the other hand, it can help the baby to replenish nutrition in time, which is also a scientific method of weaning. During the day, appropriately extend the feeding time of the baby and gradually reduce the number of feedings. Gradually weaning off the night milk at night, allowing the baby to sleep until dawn, is more conducive to the healthy development of the baby and is also conducive to weaning.

3. Gradually add complementary foods

In order to ensure the nutrition of the baby, the baby over 6 months can also increase the complementary food appropriately, and gradually increase the type of complementary food and the amount of each feeding. The addition of new complementary foods will also reduce the baby's need for breast milk, and will also diversify the baby's nutrition.

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Babies before the age of one have weak chewing ability and digestive ability. Eating rough food is not easy to digest, which can easily lead to diarrhea. Therefore, give your baby some soft and rotten food, such as rice porridge, soft rice, rotten noodles, etc. as the staple food, and fish, minced lean meat, soy products and various vegetable minced and egg custards as the non-staple food. It is recommended that mothers can use professional complementary feeding tools to grind and process the ingredients before feeding their babies. Each food has its specific nutritional composition, so only by tasting a variety of foods can the body take in a more adequate amount of nutrients. In the case of ensuring a balanced nutrition, mothers can prepare more protein-rich foods, such as fish, meat, eggs, etc., to enhance the baby's resistance during weaning.

4. The most common mistakes in weaning

In order to successfully wean the baby, some mothers will apply irritants such as ink, pepper water, coptis water, and panacea to their nipples to make the baby disgust and fear the nipple, thus forcing the baby to avoid breastfeeding voluntarily. This approach seems to be effective, but it actually hurts the baby's feelings, easily causes the baby to be depressed, and has a negative impact on the baby's physical health. Some families believe that the biggest enemy of weaning the baby is the mother. As long as the mother stays around, the baby will always be coquettish and want to drink breast milk, and as long as the mother is separated from the baby for ten days and a half months (for example, the baby is sent to the mother's or in-law's house), the baby will naturally quit breast milk.
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This idea is also not advisable. Babies often need more comfort from mothers during weaning. Long-term separation of mother and child will make the baby feel insecure, anxious, and even sick and lose weight.
Some mothers attach great importance to the timing. When autumn arrives, they insist on weaning the baby regardless of whether the baby is sick or not. As everyone knows, at this time, the baby's resistance is poor, the digestive function is not good, and the body is still very weak. Forced weaning will inevitably affect the baby's physical recovery and even aggravate the disease.

During the weaning period, mothers should pay more attention to the baby's physical health, and if there are any abnormal phenomena, they should be dealt with in time.
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