Baby Supplement Recipes

Baby food supplement and timing?

At present, there is a consensus on the timing of adding complementary food to the baby after 6 months of age. (6 months of age is defined as 180 days of birth).
And this specific date of addition is actually not static, it can be changed according to the individual differences of your baby. But no earlier than 4 months.

How much solid food should my baby eat at a time?

The baby has just started to add complementary food, and it is only a preliminary adaptation, and there is no specific amount of regulations.
Just adjust it according to your baby's appetite. As long as the baby's development is in the normal range, don't put too much pressure on the baby to eat complementary food. 

How old can a baby sit in a dining chair?

In fact, supplementary food is generally recommended to start after 6 months. One of the timings of adding is that the baby can sit up against the back of the chair and can raise his head very firmly.

Silicone feeding accessories for high-chair
So when the baby develops to this level, it is time to sit in the dining chair. At this time, the silicone feeding set can be used.

How to prepare nutritious rice noodles?

In fact, the easiest way is to follow the instructions of the nutritious rice flour you purchased to prepare it. Rice noodles can be prepared with warm water, breast milk, or formula milk, depending on which flavor your baby likes.

It should be noted that when adding complementary food for the first time, it must not be thick, thin, and smooth (to avoid the baby retching). At the same time, be careful not to waste too much, and it is easy to force feeding, and gradually increase the amount after the baby gets used to it.
Silicone spoon for baby
Nutritious rice noodles have more nutrients that babies need than ordinary homemade porridge, especially iron.

When the baby's other complementary foods are successfully added, you can also add vegetable puree, meat puree, and egg yolk puree to the rice cereal. The rice batter has gradually become thicker and smoother.

Now due to the growing environment of rice, some heavy metals are easy to exceed the standard, and the rice is ground into powder, which cannot avoid the problem of excessive heavy metals, and also does not contain iron.

If you really struggle with rice and rice flour, you can also choose nutritional wheat flour fortified with nutrients (especially iron) for your baby. (The premise is that the baby is not allergic to wheat flour)

How to make puree for baby?

The puree that the baby eats is best to eat and cook. Also don't do too much at once. Start with dark vegetables first (the darker the vegetables, the more nutritious).

Take spinach as an example: first wash a few spinach, then put it in a pot of boiling water and blanch for a minute. This way most of the oxalic acid can be released. The vegetable water should be thrown away (because there will be pesticide residues, etc.).
Silicone fruit feeder
Cut the spinach leaves into small pieces, put them in a food processor, add a little warm water, and after processing, you can make a smooth paste. The baby vegetable puree that was first added to the complementary food should be smooth and smooth.

If you have a food supplement grinder at home, you can also use a grinder to help.

Put the chopped vegetable leaves on the strainer inside the food supplement grinder, and use the grinding stick to filter into a smooth vegetable puree for the baby to eat.
Babies who are 8-9 months old can eat vegetables without a food processor, but chop them after cooking and add them to porridge. It can not only preserve nutrients and fiber to a greater extent, but also exercise the baby's chewing ability.

How to make fruit puree for baby?

Fruits at room temperature should be eaten raw as much as possible to retain nutrients to the greatest extent. For example, apples, bananas, etc.: Some hard fruits can also be softened by heating, and then made into a puree.

  1. Simple and easy-to-operate method, use a stainless steel spoon to scrape the mud directly into the baby's bowl, then use the baby's small soft spoon to feed the baby, and scrape as much as you eat. Don't do too much at one time, you can't finish it, and it will quickly oxidize and discolor.
  2. When the baby is older and the teeth grow in front, it is not necessary to give the baby fruit puree, but try to cut the fruit into small slices that the baby can eat with their hands and eat under the supervision of an adult.
  3. Do not give juice to babies under 1 year old. In order to let the baby eat more fruit, many families squeeze the fruit and give it to the baby to drink, thinking that freshly squeezed is nutritious. However, fruit juice is indeed one of the blacklists of complementary foods.
    Fruit juice is the product of destructing fruit fiber, extracting juice and removing dietary fiber. A 200ml glass of orange juice usually takes 2 to 3 oranges to squeeze out, and then discard the most nutritious pomace.

    The highest content of fruit juice is sugar.

    In May 2017, the American Academy of Pediatrics released the latest guidelines: Juice has no nutritional value for babies under 1 year old, and it also increases the risk of obesity and dental caries, and should not be included in the baby's diet.

    Even children over 1 year old should strictly control the intake of juice, and be alert to the problems of E. coli and Salmonella infection that may be caused by unsterilized freshly squeezed juice.

According to the baby's age, you can choose to eat fruit puree and fruit bars, fruit slices, etc., fruit granules, etc.

How to make mashed potatoes?

This method can also make pumpkin puree, purple potato puree, etc.

First peel, wash, cut into small pieces, cook and put them in a grinding bowl to make mashed potatoes and add water or milk to make them a thin consistency that your baby can accept. You can also filter it again with a filter. It will be smoother after processing.

How to make puree?

This recipe can make pork, beef, lamb, chicken, etc.

  1. Steamed meat slices;
  2. Cut the meat into small pieces on a cutting board that handles cooked food. Add the meat to the blender (cleaned) and add the steaming broth over the meat.
  3. Start the blender briefly, stopping every now and then to see if it is smooth enough.
  4. It can be fed directly to the baby.

Silicone suction bowl
When the variety of baby food supplements is relatively rich, you can make compound foods. You can mix some vegetables with meat mud lake, and you can mix mashed potatoes and meat mud together. Mothers can use their brains to make different kinds of complementary food. .

Complementary food addition

● From type to quantity, from less to more; from thin to thick; from thin to thick; from one to many.

● Observe each new food for at least three days to see if there are any adverse reactions such as vomiting, diarrhea, and allergies; if any supplementary food is added, skin eczema, vomiting, diarrhea, etc. aggravate, the addition of this food should be suspended At least 3 months.

● No sugar, salt or cooking wine is added within 1 year old. Adding salt to complementary foods will increase the burden on the kidneys of children.

● Do not add honey within 1 year old. No so-called children's soy sauce. Do not add whole nuts under 3 years of age.

● Advocate eating puree, fruit pieces, fruit slices, and fruit bars. Juice is not recommended for babies. Appropriate amount of vegetable oil can be added. After adding complementary food, add water as needed by your baby.

● Start with iron-rich mashed food and gradually increase the variety of food.

● Based on the infant's adaptation status, there is no fixed order in which complementary foods are added.

● During the sick period of the baby, the addition of new varieties should be postponed.

● The baby's growth and development status is the gold standard for evaluating whether complementary food is suitable or not.
What should I do if my baby does not accept complementary food?
Not only breastfed babies don’t like complementary foods, but many formula-fed babies also don’t accept complementary foods within 1 year of age, so you are not fighting alone...
● Feeding complementary foods before breastfeeding
Try solid food for your baby half an hour before you're ready to breastfeed; don't wait for him to feed solid food when he's particularly hungry, when the baby is usually impatient or crying, and it's not a good time to try solid food;

● lower expectations
At first, the baby will eat less, sometimes only one or two bites. Parents should not expect the baby to finish the food in the bowl;

● Patient feeding not forced feeding
Each meal time should not exceed 20 minutes;

● Keep letting your baby try
It is not forced to eat, but Ma Ma needs to constantly try to prepare it for the baby. Normal heart, normal heart, normal heart treats the baby's rejection again and again. Maybe the 10th time the baby refuses, the 20th time will accept it. Every mother must have a strong heart that is not afraid of being rejected! ! !

● Encourage your baby
Praise your baby more can make your baby more confident to try new things.

● When your baby shows these signs, you should stop feeding
Baby obviously doesn't want to continue
The baby is attracted to other things
baby with closed mouth
baby pushes spoon
baby is irritable


1. Calcium supplements?
All dairy products or soybean and soy products have high calcium content; high absorption rate;

2. Iron supplementary food?
Red meat (once a day), blood products (make sure that the source is real, fresh, clean and hygienic), animal liver (once a week), etc. are all iron supplements;

3. Zinc supplementary food?
Shellfish, especially oysters, have the highest zinc content in all ingredients, and red meat is also a good source of zinc.

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