Formula feeding for infants

Ensure a quiet and warm feeding environment

Whether you are breastfeeding or feeding your baby with formula milk, you need a quiet and warm environment. You can use a CD player to play some soft music, such as the music played during fetal life. Or a rattle toy to make your baby his favorite white noise.

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Master the correct and comfortable way of feeding

01. Clean and disinfect bottles and other breastfeeding utensils should not be neglected, put them in boiling water for 5 minutes or use steam or microwave to disinfect them.

02. It is relatively easy to feed breast milk at night. If you need to feed formula milk, it is best to measure a single dose of baby formula in advance and store it in a formula box, prepare cool and hot boiling water on the side, or you can use a thermostatic heater.

03. Make sure to wash your hands well before making the milk.

04. Brew the milk powder according to the instructions and at the right consistency. Because babies' gastrointestinal, liver and kidney development is not yet perfect, milk powder brewed too thickly will inevitably increase the burden on these organs, causing dysfunction in these organs, resulting in bloating, diarrhoea, constipation, and even anorexia or obesity.

05. 40 ℃ warm water blending. The water temperature is too high, it will make the infant formula lumpy and cannot be fully dissolved, it will also make the whey protein in the formula produce clots, affecting digestion and absorption, in addition, the heat unstable vitamins, immune active substances (such as those containing bifidobacteria), etc. are easily destroyed, and the nutritional value is greatly reduced. Alternatively, mix 1/3 cool boiling water with 2/3 hot boiling water and add the right amount of milk powder.

06. Roll the bottle with both hands to dissolve the milk powder completely, rather than shaking it up and down to avoid creating a lot of air bubbles.

07. For babies of all ages, the one thing that makes them feel safe is to be held close to their mother and snuggled in her warm embrace for milk, even if they are not breastfed.

08. Let the milk fill the entire teat and the neck of the bottle before putting it in the baby's mouth to avoid inhaling too much air.

09. The size of the pacifier hole affects the flow of milk, so make sure it is the right size. If the hole is too small, your baby will struggle to suckle; if the hole is too large, the milk will flow too quickly and your baby will easily choke.

10.If your baby still refuses to eat, find out if he is really full or if he does not want to eat because he is not feeling well.

11.Do not force your baby to drink a certain amount of milk at each meal. In most cases, babies know how much they can eat and forcing them to do so will only increase spitting up, which may lead to a loss of milk in the long run.

12.After feeding, wipe your baby's mouth clean with a soft cotton towel, hold your baby upright with his chin on your mother's shoulder and pat his back from the bottom up with your hollow palm to help burp out any air you have accidentally eaten.

13. Always pour away the leftover milk each time you eat it, and do not leave it for the next meal as milk is a good culture medium for bacteria.

Formula feeding amount for newborn babies

1、The first few days of your baby's life
The amount of milk can be calculated according to the baby's weight per kilogram, give 100-200ml daily, because milk is not easy to digest, to be mixed with water, the ratio can be 4:1, 3:1, 3:2, 2:1, 1:1, plus 5%-8% of sugar, every 3-3.5 hours to feed once, a day to feed 7 -8 times.
If your baby weighs 3kg, you will need 3 x 100 (120) ml of milk = 300 (360) ml of milk, add water and then divide the total amount by the number of meals, which will give you the amount of milk used per meal. If two parts milk to one part water, then 300 (360) ml milk + 150 (160) ml water, a total of 450-480 ml, divided into 7-8 doses, 60-70 ml per meal. Add 5% of sugar to the milk and increase by this percentage in the fifth and sixth months.
2、Baby 15 days to full term
If digestion is normal, you can eat pure milk, nearly 100-150 ml per kg of body weight, about 60-100 ml per meal.

3、After the baby is full term to two months
The amount of milk is gradually increased according to the weight, fed 6-7 times a day, each time at an interval of 3.5-4 hours, with about 80-120ml per meal. Up to 150ml can be eaten.
4、Baby two to three months
Feed 5-6 times a day, every four hours, eating 150-200ml of milk each time.
5、Baby three to six months
Feed 5 times a day, every four hours, and eat 150-200 ml of milk at each meal: 3-5 months, 200-250 ml at 5-6 months. You should keep track of the total amount of milk eaten, which should not exceed 1000 ml per day and no more than 250ml per meal. At four months, start feeding supplementary food before breastfeeding.
6、Baby six to nine months
Feed every four hours, 200-250ml each time, change from four milk meals to three milk meals per day, gradually start on supplementary food from half a meal instead to one milk meal instead. The amount of sugar in the middle is gradually reduced.
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7、Baby 9 to 12 months
Reduce the amount of milk from three to two meals a day, 250ml each time, and still eat every four hours, with all other meals being complementary. Feed water in between every two milk meals.
The above is the correct way to introduce formula feeding, no matter how breast milk is the best way to get nutrition for your baby, adhere to the breastfeeding baby will be better than formula feeding baby resistance Oh, if the milk is really not enough, mothers can also take mixed feeding way.

Benefits of formula feeding

Formula feeding can help mothers who are unable to breastfeed to feed their babies properly. The main benefits of formula feeding include promoting regularity in the life of the baby and child, ensuring sleep, comprehensive nutrition, regular bowel movements and easy weaning. The specific benefits of formula feeding are as follow:

1. Regularity of life
Feeding once every few hours and how much can be done according to the schedule, both mothers and babies can do it according to the schedule.
2、Ensure sleep
Generally infants can be guaranteed at least two hours of sleep after eating infant formula, especially at night for a particularly long time. In this way not only is the child's sleep time and quality guaranteed, but the mother can also rest well.

3. Comprehensive nutrition
The nutritional content of breastmilk is based on what the mother eats and absorbs, which is somewhat lacking in comparison to the very comprehensive and balanced formulas available today.
4. Regular bowel movements
Babies who eat infant formula will have a regular bowel movement once a day in the morning. The stools of formula-fed babies are generally yellowish, often dry and can be piled up, and some artificially fed newborns form a bowel movement pattern every 2-3 days.
5、Weaning is easy
Children fed exclusively on formula milk do not face this problem at all, and mixed-feeding children will not have as much difficulty in weaning as children who are exclusively breastfed, and will also reduce the chance of mothers causing breast disease during the weaning process.

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