How to Get Toddler to Eat With Utensils?

Learning to eat with utensils can be an exciting milestone for toddlers. Teaching them this skill can help develop their motor skills and give them the independence that comes with being able to feed themselves. However, it can also be a messy and frustrating process for parents – especially when it involves baby silicone utensils.

Silicone feeding set

The good news is that teaching your toddler to use baby silicone utensils isn’t as hard as it seems. With a little patience and some creative techniques, you can help your toddler learn to eat with utensils in no time. Here’s how:

  1. Start Early: The best time to start teaching your toddler to use baby silicone utensils is before they turn one. This is because babies between the ages of six and twelve months are already developing their fine motor skills and can start to understand the concept of using utensils. If you wait until after their first birthday, your toddler may already have developed bad habits that will be difficult to break.
  1. Choose the Right Utensils: When it comes to baby silicone utensils, size matters. Look for utensils specifically designed for babies and toddlers. These utensils are usually smaller than regular-sized utensils, making them easier for little hands to hold. You may also want to consider utensils with anti-slip handles or soft grips for added comfort.

    In the early stage of baby learning tableware, because the baby is still young, the hands-on ability is still poor. At this time, when parents buy forks for the baby, they can prepare a spoon with a short handle and a deep bowl for the baby, so that the baby can use it conveniently and stably. Eat food locally. It should be noted that forks that are too sharp cannot be selected, they only need to have a certain hardness, and the tableware must not hurt children. After children's tableware is used, it is necessary to develop the habit of regular disinfection. There are many ways to disinfect tableware, the common ones are: high temperature disinfection, chemical disinfection, and special children's tableware disinfection cabinets.

  • High-temperature disinfection method: use the high temperature of boiling water to kill the virus to achieve the purpose of disinfecting tableware. Cook the tableware in boiling water for no less than 5 minutes.
  • Chemical disinfection method: mainly use disinfectant to disinfect tableware. The specific method is to put the tableware in the disinfectant solution for no less than half an hour. After taking it out, please rinse it with running water. It should be noted that this method is mainly suitable for tableware such as glass products that are not resistant to high temperatures.
  • Children's tableware disinfection cabinet: After buying the baby's tableware, you must pay attention to maintenance, because the cleanliness of the tableware is directly related to the baby's safety and health.
  1. Model the Behavior: Show your toddler how to use baby silicone utensils by demonstrating with your own utensils. This will give them a visual cue and help them understand what is expected of them. You can also try to engage them in conversation about the process so they can better understand the concept.
  1. Give Plenty of Praise: It’s important to praise your toddler every time they do something correctly while using baby silicone utensils. This positive reinforcement will help them feel motivated and encourage them to keep trying.
  1. Be Patient: Learning how to use baby silicone utensils can take time, so it’s important to be patient with your toddler. It’s normal for there to be messes and spilled food along the way, but don’t get frustrated and give up. Instead, stay positive and continue to offer encouragement.

Silicone spoon for baby

With these simple tips, you can help your toddler master the art of using baby silicone utensils. Just remember to start early, choose the right utensils, model the behavior, give plenty of praise, and be patient throughout the process. Before long, your toddler will be eating like a pro!

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