The Ultimate Guide to Making the Silicone Suction Cup Firmly Stick on Your Baby High Chair

If you're a parent, you know how frustrating it can be when your baby's suction bowl keeps falling off the high chair. Not only does it make mealtime messy, but it can also be dangerous if your little one tries to grab it. Fortunately, there are some tips and tricks you can use to make the silicone suction cup firmly stick on the baby high chair. In this guide, we'll walk you through everything you need to know.

Silicone suction bowl

First, let's talk about why the suction cup might not be working in the first place. One common reason is that the surface of the high chair is not smooth enough for the suction cup to create a proper seal. To fix this, try cleaning the surface with soap and water and then drying it thoroughly. You can also try using a damp cloth to wipe down the surface before attaching the suction cup.

Another reason the suction cup might not be sticking is that it's not wet enough. Before attaching the suction cup, try moistening it with a bit of water. This will help create a better seal and keep the bowl in place during mealtime.

If you've tried these tips and the suction cup still isn't sticking, it might be time to consider a different type of bowl. Some bowls have stronger suction cups than others, so it's worth doing some research to find one that works well for your high chair.

baby silicone suction bowl manufacturer

One thing to keep in mind when choosing a suction bowl is the material it's made from. Silicone is a popular choice because it's durable and easy to clean. However, not all silicone bowls are created equal. Look for ones that have a strong suction cup and are designed specifically for high chairs.

When you're ready to attach the suction bowl to the high chair, make sure you're doing it properly. Start by placing the bowl on the high chair tray and pressing down firmly in the center of the bowl. Then, use your fingers to press around the edges of the suction cup to create a seal. Finally, give the bowl a gentle tug to make sure it's securely attached.

baby silicone suction plate

If you're still having trouble getting the suction cup to stick, try using a bit of cooking spray or oil on the surface of the high chair. This can help create a better seal and keep the bowl in place.

In conclusion, making the silicone suction cup firmly stick on the baby high chair requires a bit of trial and error. Start by cleaning the surface of the high chair, moistening the suction cup, and choosing a bowl with a strong suction cup. If all else fails, try using a bit of cooking spray or oil to help create a better seal. With these tips, you can enjoy mess-free mealtimes with your little one.

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